The 5 Best Lizards To Keep As Pets

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The 5 Best Lizards To Keep As Pets

Lizards can make great pets for those looking for a unique and interesting companion. They come in a variety of colors, sizes, and personalities, making them perfect for any type of owner. However, not all lizards are suitable for beginners or certain living conditions. In this article, we will highlight the top 10 best lizards to keep as pets and provide information on their care requirements.

1. Bearded Dragon

The 10 Best Lizards To Keep As Pets


The bearded dragon is one of the most popular lizard species among pet owners. They have a distinct appearance with a spiky beard-like projection under their jaw. Bearded dragons come in a range of colors, including tan, red, orange, and yellow.

Care Requirements

Bearded dragons require a spacious enclosure with ample room to move around and bask in heat lamps that mimic the sun’s rays. They need a diet consisting of live insects, fruits, and vegetables. These lizards also need exposure to UVB lighting to maintain healthy bone growth and prevent metabolic bone disease.

Table: Bearded Dragon Care Requirements

Care Requirements Details
Size of Enclosure At least 40 gallons for juveniles and larger as they grow
Lighting UVB bulbs and heat lamps
Diet Live insects, fruits, and vegetables
Temperature Basking spots at 100-110°F and cooler areas at 80-90°F

2. Leopard Gecko

The 10 Best Lizards To Keep As Pets


Leopard geckos are small, docile lizards that are known for their striking patterned skin. They come in a range of colors, including yellow, orange, and white.

Care Requirements

Leopard geckos require a smaller enclosure than other lizards, but it should still provide enough space for hiding places and basking areas. They have a diet of live insects and need a shallow water dish for drinking and soaking. Leopard geckos also require calcium supplements to prevent metabolic bone disease.

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List: Leopard Gecko Care Requirements

  • Enclosure size should be at least 10 gallons per adult
  • Provide hiding places and basking areas
  • Diet should consist of live insects
  • Shallow water dish for drinking and soaking
  • Calcium supplements to prevent metabolic bone disease

3. Crested Gecko

The 10 Best Lizards To Keep As Pets


Crested geckos are small, arboreal lizards that are known for their crests or fringes on their skin. They come in a range of colors, including orange, red, and brown.

Care Requirements

Crested geckos require an enclosure with ample space for climbing and hiding places. They have a diet of fruit-based baby food and live insects. These lizards do not require UVB lighting, but they do need misting to maintain proper humidity levels.

Table: Crested Gecko Care Requirements

Care Requirements Details
Enclosure Size At least 20 gallons for adults
Diet Fruit-based baby food and live insects
Lighting No UVB lighting required
Humidity Misting to maintain proper humidity levels
Temperature Basking spots at 80-85°F and cooler areas at 72-78°F

4. Blue-Tongued Skink

The 10 Best Lizards To Keep As Pets


Blue-tongued skinks are larger lizards that are known for their distinct blue tongue. They come in a range of colors, including brown and red.

Care Requirements

Blue-tongued skinks require a spacious enclosure with a heat gradient that allows them to thermoregulate. They have a diet consisting of vegetables, fruits, and live insects. These lizards require UVB lighting to maintain healthy bone growth and prevent metabolic bone disease.

List: Blue-Tongued Skink Care Requirements

  • Enclosure size should be at least 40 gallons for adults
  • Heat gradient of 75°F to 90°F
  • Diet should consist of vegetables, fruits, and live insects
  • UVB lighting required
  • Substrate should not be loose or digestible
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5. Green Anole

The 10 Best Lizards To Keep As Pets


Green anoles are small, arboreal lizards that are known for their bright green color. They can change color based on their mood and environment.

Care Requirements

Green anoles require a smaller enclosure with ample climbing space and hiding places. They have a diet consisting of live insects. These lizards require UVB lighting to maintain healthy bone growth and prevent metabolic bone disease.

Table: Green Anole Care Requirements

Care Requirements Details
Enclosure Size At least 10 gallons for one adult
Diet Live insects
Lighting UVB lighting required
Humidity Misting to maintain proper humidity levels
Temperature Basking spots at 85-90°F and cooler areas at 75-80°F


The 10 Best Lizards To Keep As Pets

What are the best lizards for beginners?

The best lizards for beginners include bearded dragons, leopard geckos, and crested geckos. These species have relatively low care requirements and are easy to handle.

Do lizards need UVB lighting?

Most lizards require UVB lighting to maintain healthy bone growth and prevent metabolic bone disease. However, some species do not require UVB lighting, such as crested geckos.

What do lizards eat?

Lizards typically have a diet consisting of live insects, fruits, and vegetables. The specific diet can vary based on the species of lizard.

How can I create a suitable enclosure for my lizard?

Enclosures should provide enough space for the lizard to move around and bask in heat lamps that mimic the sun’s rays. They should also have hiding places and climbing opportunities. Substrate should be non-toxic and easy to clean.

Can lizards be kept together?

Lizards of the same species can be kept together, but it is important to ensure that they have enough space and resources to avoid competition or aggression. Different species should not be housed together.

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When choosing a lizard as a pet, it’s important to consider their specific care requirements and whether they are suitable for your living situation. The 10 lizards highlighted in this article are great options for those looking for a unique and interesting companion. With proper care and attention, these lizards will thrive in captivity and make great additions to any household.

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